Sunny Street showcase
Last week, Viz for Social Good were delighted to present our visualisations on behalf of Sunny Street. We’d like to thank Sonia Martin from Sunny Street - her energy and enthusiasm has been on hand throughout the project, and though unfortunately she was unwell for this presentation event, there’s no doubt that this engagement has helped us to a massive 56 entries for the project! Getting involved in the project and visualising your data just means we’re in awe of what you and your Sunny Street colleagues do.
Our projects came, as they always do, from far and wide. A special thank you to our volunteers from India who made up the biggest proportion of participants, and we’d also like to shout out that many of our volunteers were first-time participants. You wouldn’t think so from the quality of the submissions. We at VFSG were blown away, and I’m not sure how Sonia managed to choose the small group of favourites she did, but we thank her for her time in assessing every single one. A big thank you from us at VFSG to everyone involved.
Here’s the video of the event - hosted by our very own Doc Kevin Lee Elder and Frederic Fery. Please don’t forget to like and subscribe!
Below is a screenshot with a taster of each viz from the five volunteers who presented at the event. All of these were chosen as favourites by Sonia - well done everyone. To see them all in more detail explained by their creators - you can watch the video!
First of all, a big thank you to Nicole Klassen, who was presenting from the USA, we know it was an early morning start for you! Nicole’s viz really focused on the qualitative comments to really bring out who Sunny Street are, and used these quotes throughout the design.
Sunny Street - by Nicole Klassen
Click here to see Nicole's viz online
Secondly, Vivian Wang joined us, also making an early start all the way from the USA. Vivian presented a great dashboard that highlighted how Australia has a higher property rate than you might expect versus other wealthy nations, highlighting why Sunny Street’s actions are so relevant in Australia
Sunny Street - Let Sun Break Out Darkness - Vivan Wang
Click here to see Vivian's viz online
Thirdly, Johanna Josodipuro joined us - Johanna is from Indonesia and studying at the University of Sydney. We loved the great use of Big Action Numbers and tooltips, Johanna also included some great sentiment analysis and still had time for an impactful call to action
Click here to see Johanna's viz online
Next was Sarah Morris, another joining us from the USA. Sarah used Power BI and rather than going “long form”, set up her dashboard perfectly as a summary with functionality to download in Power Point. We loved this functionality and all the filter capabilities, not to mention the beautiful design
Sunny Street - Sarah Morris
Click here to see Sarah’s viz online
And finally, Lali Jularbal joined us from the Philippines. Lali produced an amazing exploratory dashboard that allowed users to go into great detail, both at an overview level and then looking at the level of individual patients. Great job, Lali!
Sunny Street: Changing the world one conversation at a time - Lali Jularbal
Click here to see Lali’s viz online
Once again, a big thank you to all of our volunteers on this project - a special mention too to Simon Arira from France and our very own Frederic Fery who were also chosen as project favourites (click through their names to see their visualisations) - we will update you with details on the next project very soon as well as any further news from our friends at Sunny Street.